Rosaline Saul is the author of several fantasy books. Her stories have a gloomy tone which combines fantasy with horror and dread.


My stories are full of adventure, mystery and magic. I enjoy creating characters that readers can become invested in and stories that stay with you long after you've finished the book.

Taking readers on a journey, creating worlds that are full of adventure and suspense is my passion. My characters are strong and brave, and my settings are vivid and imaginative. I love exploring the unknown, and my stories often take me to new and exciting places.

I live in Northern Ireland with my family, one African Chiclid, a cat who just moved in one day, a Chinchilla, and a sprinkle of magic.

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A silhouette of a woman and a man standing in a graveyard at night is set against a large, glowing full moon. Tombstones and leafless trees surround them, with bats flying in the sky, creating a spooky and eerie atmosphere.